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The Configuration Screen in Configuration Studio

The Configuration Screen contains controls and features to help you refine the configuration profile for the document.

The different sections of the Configuration Screen are described below.  

Periphery Controls

There are a number of controls on the periphery of the Configuration Screen. Those controls are described in the table below by the corresponding number in the image.



Configuration Progress Bar

To progress through the configuration process, click the appropriate buttons on the progress bar: Documents, Configuration, Business Logic, and Validation. (See Configuration Process).


Changing Pages in a Document

In a multipage document, you can change from the first page to any subsequent page. Click the Right Arrow next to the Page Control or enter a page number in the field. Click the Left Page Arrow to return.


Undo and Redo

Click Left Curved Arrow to undo and action, when available. Click Right Curved Arrow to redo and action if you have used the Left Curved Arrow to undo it.


Zoom in and Zoom Out

To change the size of the characters and images on your screen, click on the Magnifying Glass icon with either the Plus Sign icon (+) or the Minus Sign icon (-). To expand the application screen to fill your entire monitor screen, click Full Screen icon.

The screen behaves according to your selection.


Full Screen

To expand the application screen to fill your entire monitor screen, click Full Screen icon.

The screen behaves according to your selection.


Restore Versions

you have saved versions of a configuration profile and want to restore a previous version, follow these steps:

  1. In the toolbar on the right-hand side of the screen, click Restore Version, A dialog displays, listing previously saved version.
  2. Check the box corresponding to the listing you want to restore.
  3. Click Restore. The previous version is restored on the screen.



Viewing and Switching Selected Documents

Click the Documents icon to view and switch selected documents. From the Selected Documents dialog, you can see what documents you have selected to work with and which ones have passed, based on the green Passed icon (configstudiopassed). You can also switch what document to work on.

In order to submit changes, all documents that you have selected need to have passed.

  1. Click the Documents icon in the tools bar above the screen. The Selected Documents list displays, showing the documents you have already selected.
  2. Select the next document you want to view.
  3. Click Switch Documents. The document you select displays on the Configuration screen.



Selecting Basic Options

Click on Gear icon in the Tool Bar at the far right of your screen and you can select from these basic choices:

  • Re-run AI, Commit Version starting the AI prediction process over from the beginning. This will eliminate any changes you have made unless you have saved that version of the document.
  • Delete Configuration to eliminate the current configuration profile entirely, meaning that it will have no defined sections or fields.
  • Show/Hide Unused Fields to either show or hide fields that are not being used.

Requesting Changes

When you discover that your configuration profile requires a task that you are not able to perform, you can enter a Change Request that your Conexiom team will perform for you.

  1. Click the Request Change icon. A dialog displays.
  2. To choose whether to create a Text request or an Email request, click Launch under the choice you want. The corresponding communication screen displays.

Follow the instructions for the method you choose.

Other Guidelines for Change Requests

  • When mentioning a cross-reference table, use the exact column heading as the reference; not the column number.
  • Use the word “Concatenate,” “Prefix,” or “Suffix” when you need the connection development team to merge or link two words or fields together into one value for the ERP system.
  • Use either the word “Extract” or “Remove” when you need to have characters scrubbed from the original data. These are often used to request the removal of special characters.
  • When a reference table is five items or fewer, it can be manually typed out into the map request. For any cross-reference tables that contains more than five rows, create a cross-reference table in the portal.
  • Provide examples in all requests, including the document number the example is taken from.
  • Describe the expected behavior from the change in all requests.
  • When reviewing example documents:
    • If the document is multiple pages be sure to review all pages.
    • If the customer provides more than one example, be sure to review all examples.
    • If you need to submit information in two different requests, make sure you indicate the requests are labelled “Part 1 of 2” and “Part 2 of 2” so that the Connection Development team works on them in the correct order.

Save Version

Click Save Version to save the current version of the configuration. This enables you to restore the version later if make subsequent changes that you don’t prefer. 
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Switching Documents

Click Back or Next to move through your documents, from the one you previously viewed to the next one, as ordered by the Documents table listing on the Documents page.

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Add Section

Click +Add Section to add a new section to the document. (See Creating and Modifying Sections).

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Open Section Tab Arrow

Click to open the tab to display all of the fields within that section. For example, click the Header tab to display listings of all of the fields within the header, including Document Date, Bill To Address, Ship To Address, and all others.

Document Preview & Corresponding Sections

When you navigate to the Configuration screen, Conexiom’s AI creates an initial map of the first document you selected. This map displays in different sections that are shaded in different colors.

Your screen defaults to a standard set of colors, but you can select new ones at any time. (See Changing Colors of a Selection).

Each section defines where to find different types of field information, which is the important data that needs to be processed. The sections determine the type of field information and whether it will be repeated. For example, a company’s name and address information in the Header section is displayed only once, but many rows of product information can be listed in the Line-Item section.

To the right of the main screen, a panel displays rectangular boxes with listings that correspond to the sections of the main document, in the same color as the section. Click the arrow in the upper right of a rectangular box to open the tab and see the fields listed.


In the example, in the Header 1 section, you can see eight fields, each of which are listed in the corresponding panel on the right, including Document Date, Due Date, Document Number, and five others. When you click on a field on the right, it highlights the same field on the left and vice versa.


The panel sections that display in gray, titled “Empty,” are not defined. You do not need to delete or change them. If you prefer, you can hide them. (See Selecting Basic Options).

The sections and their fields on every page of a multiple-page document need to be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. You need to correct these sections and fields by either refining their definition, modifying them, or recreating them entirely.

Reopening the Configuration Screen

To reopen the Configure screen at any time, click Configuration in the Progress Bar. If you select new documents, as you move to the Configuration screen, the program automatically runs AI. Upon completion of the process, one document displays on your screen, as described above, showing the color coded sections of the configuration profile for that trading partner.

When you want to switch to one of the other documents that you selected, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Documents icon in the Toolbar on the right side of your screen. The Selected Documents dialog box displays.
  2. From the listings, click the document you want to display.
  3. Click Switch Document. The document displays in the Configuration Screen. (See Viewing and Switching Documents).