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The Conexiom Express Application

Review, edit, and approve documents within the Conexiom Express interface.

When you open a Document Entry alert, the Conexiom Express interface displays on a single screen. On the left side of the screen, you can see a copy of the original document, (whether in PDF or a spreadsheet file format). You evaluate this AI generated copy to see what needs to be added or changed before the document can be approved.

The right side of the screen displays titled panels such as Ship To, or Bill To. Each panel groups the different fields in the document shown on the left side, such as the name and the address of the party to whom the product will be shipped.

Descriptions of Conexiom Express’s features follow. Numbers on the image shown below correspond to descriptions below it. 
Note: the image represents the PDF file format only. (For more information on spreadsheet files, click here). 

 1 Express Page Map wNumbers 1e 

Left side of screen holds either PDF or spreadsheet copy of original document

Features as Numbered in the Image

Features described below. correspond to numbers in the image above.


The Document tab is open by default. Here you can review the original PDF or spreadsheet document that was submitted.

Note: the image shown above represents the PDF file format only. (For more information on spreadsheet file formats, click here). 


Click the Email tab when you want to examine the email to which the document you are working with was attached.


In a multiple page document, the Page Counter displays current page number. Click Page-Switch Arrows (< or >) to choose different pages.


  • Hover over any field that is pre-populated by machine learning and Express displays an AI confidence score in a tooltip text box, show how reliable the information is in its current state. Fields that do not meet the configured threshold are highlighted in yellow as warnings.
  • Hover over any field until it highlights and then click on it. A menu displays with four action items.
    • Select Move to right to corresponding field in panel on right side. Successive menus open to allow you select correct field in which you will paste the data.
    • Select Copy data for pasting in corresponding panel on right side or anywhere else.
      Note: Above selections contribute to AI learning. (Manual data entry does not).
    • Select Set the date format to interpret the listing of month, date, and year to correspond to the correct custom. (Example: Germany uses Date/Month/Year.
    • Select Reset number format to select Dot or Comma to correspond to the correct custom with currency. (Example: Europe uses comma in writing amounts of money.
  • Highlight a single item on the left and double-click the field on the right into which you want the information to be pasted. The information transfers without making a menu selection.
  • Highlight a multi-lined area on the left and double-click the field on the right into which you want the information to be pasted. The information transfers without making a menu selection. 

Note: Fields can be defined as read-only. (If a field is read-only, it will not be shown on nested drop-down menus and cannot be double-clicked to copy the values).


Click the Download icon to transfer a copy of the original document to your computer system. Click Zoom In or Zoom Out, to magnify or reduce the size of the document.


icon upper rightIn the upper right corner of the screen, click an icon to display a menu. The choices are: Help, (including Knowledge Base, Contact Support and Training Courses), Settings, Announcements, and User Account.

For ease and convenience, you can open cross-reference tables on a new tab by clicking the Edit XREF link.


The Document Information tab is read-only. It shows the computer’s record of essential document information, including customer name, document status, sender, receiver, email subject, reception or processing date, document ID, line count, and total currency amount.


The General Info tab serves as a centralized hub for overseeing general document details, including customer ID, document number, order date, payment terms, shipping method, FOB, currency, and buyer information.


The Ship To tab records to whom the product is to be shipped. It also provides address-search capability. Click the Search for an Address field to select the correct addresses from a drop-down list.

Note: You can hide the Address drop-down menu in the Ship-To field through a setting in metadata. For example, currently the menu pulls data from the Addresses table. However, if you are looking up addresses in your ERP or in a different global cross-reference table, for convenience, you may want to disable the addresses drop-down menu.


The Bill To tab records to whom the product is to be billed. It also provides address-search capability. Click the Search for an Address field to select the correct addresses from a drop-down list.

Note: You can hide the Address drop-down menu in the Bill-To field through a setting in metadata. For example, currently the menu pulls data from the Addresses table. However, if you are looking up addresses in your ERP or in a different global cross-reference table, for convenience, you may want to disable the addresses drop-down menu.


The Vendor tab records vendor information, including Vendor ID, FAX, and Phone. 


Click the List Items tab to open the List Items dialog. It enables you to add to, edit, or remove data from the list of products and its descriptions.

  • Scroll vertically or horizontally to find individual details.
  • Click on the field you want to change and enter what you want.
  • To add a line in the table, click Add Line icon at the bottom left-hand side of the table.
  • When you click on a line, the Garbage Can icon displays at the end of the line, allowing you to delete it.
  • You can resize columns in the Line-Item panel. The changes you makes remain consistent in all of your documents throughout your session. To resize a column, click on the column border and drag it left or right.
  • You can also resize the height of the Line-Item panel. The changes you make remain consistent in all of your documents throughout your session. To resize a column, click on the column border and drag it up or down.


The Totals tab serves as a central hub for consolidating the total cost associated with the order. It includes standard fields such as subtotal, state tax, federal tax, freight, order discount, and the final total.


Note: In any of the panels described above that may require input (See 8-13), instead of being required to enter information when it is absent, menus can be set up that include specific choices. For example, you can have the Currency field configured to allow selecting between USDCAD, and EUR


Click the field to display a full list of available document actions

  • Select Check data, (identical in function to the Check Data button described below), to validate field data against ERP and cross-reference data. When data discrepancies are identified, the system marks them as warnings that are highlighted in yellow.
    Note: Errors are detected and flagged as users enter data into each field. Errors are not triggered by clicking Check Data.
  • Select Check and Apply data update field data after comparing against ERP and cross-reference data. When data discrepancies are identified, the system replaces it, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
  • Select Do not process to cancel the processing of a document, removing it from the alert list. It triggers a notification email to the document sender, informing them of the cancellation.
  • Select Reassign too Trading Partner to reassign the document to another existing trading partner, allowing for document approval, among other reasons.
  • Select Reset to reset all fields to their original values, effectively restoring the data to its initial state.
  • Select Close Document to save all changes and close the document.
    The document cannot be approved until it is verified by clicking Check Data or Check and Apply Data; you can click Check Data or Check and Apply Data even when the document contains an error).
  • Forwarding: Documents can be forwarded or assigned to users for review and approval by clicking Forward for Approval.


Click the Check Data button, (identical in function to the menu item described above), to validate field data against ERP and cross-reference data. When data discrepancies are identified, the system marks them as warnings that are highlighted in yellow. 

Note: You can click Check Data or Check and Apply Data even when the document contains an error. (Errors are detected and flagged as users enter data into each field. Errors are not triggered by clicking Check Data.)

Approval Summary

When a document is approved, a dialog displays with congratulations and statistics for the document. In addition, an Approval Summary is produced. The Approval Summary which can be thought of as an audit trail,  displays a history of all changes made during a session, prior to document approval. It can be accessed through the Document History section of the Document Details page in Premier, after the document is processed. You can also download the summary. You can enable or disable this feature set.


You can also set up Autopilot, a feature that streamlines document processing by automating the approval process while maintaining data integrity. This feature allows you to configure your level of automation, balancing efficiency with control. For more information, click here.