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Email Forwarding Strategies & RBOP

Once in production, there are multiple ways you can setup your trading partners to forward emails to Conexiom.

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  • CRM Integration: Integrating with products like Salesforce software. Salesforce filters emails and forwards on relevant trade documents (orders) to Conexiom.

  • Email Forwarding: Forwarding of emails based on inbox rules.

  • Email Forwarding with RBOP: Blind copying, (using the “BCC:” address field), of email based on mail-server rules.

Email Option Decision Tree

You can setup the best option for each of your trading partners, (whether customer or vendor), by first asking a few basic questions, including whether documents should be sent to a designated central inbox or to various individuals across the organization. A different decision can be made for each trading partner.

To find the best strategy for a trading partner to automatically forward email orders to Conexiom, use the following table to compare situations and solutions.


Current Situation



Only for Designated Inboxes that typically receive one type of document.



Apply inbox-level rules

Will mean the "From" address will be the client-company account email.

Designated Inboxes that typically receive only one type of document.


Require additional options.

Example: Require appending a value to the subject line to inform a specific user that an email was sent to Conexiom; (beneficial when multiple users need to be kept informed of the actions in one inbox).

Mail Server Rules

Apply mail server-level rules

Will mean the "From" address will be the trading-partner account email, (customer or vendor).

Situations where an Inbox receives multiple types of documents on a regular basis.


When many individuals across the organization receive documents for processing.

Basically, any situation when setting up a server redirect would result in Conexiom receiving non-relevant document types, even with the email rules in place.


Apply mail server-level rules

Will mean the "From" address will be the trading-partner account email, (customer or vendor).

More effort required within Conexiom to set up and maintain for each trading partner.

This requires a unique buyer identifier (either domain or email address) for each trading partner configuration (map) set up within Conexiom.


Ensure you do not set Conexiom up as a recipient from a distribution list. This is important because no filters or rules can be applied to that type of list.


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