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Resolving an Unknown Customer or Vendor Alert

Understanding the causes and then resolving Unknown Customer or Unknown Vendor alerts

Understand why a document has created an Unknown Customer/Vendor alert in the portal and how to resolve it. 

  1. Causes for Unknown Customer (or Vendor) Alerts
  2. Reassign to another Trading Partner
  3. Additional Information
  4. How to Resolve an Unknown Customer Alert [Video]

Causes for Unknown Customer (or Vendor) Alerts

There are a number of reasons the system can generate an Unknown Customer or  Vendor alert. They include:

  • An assign key is not set for a Trading Partner.
  • A new document is submitted in a new format (e.g. previously .PDF and now in .XLSX) that has not mapped by Conexiom and does not match an assign keys or unique buyer.
  • When no assign keys for any trading partner is found on the document.
  • When assign keys for multiple trading partners are found on the document.

To learn how to resolve these alerts in the video below. 

Reassign to another Trading Partner

If you want to reassign the issue to another trading partner, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the alert.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Select Reassign.
  4. Search for the correct customer to whom you want to reassign the issue and select them.
  5. Click Save.

Additional Information

If the Document is in a format that you DO NOT want to process or Assign

  1. click the “...Options" button.
  2. Then select the "Do Not Process" option.
  3. Select "OK" to confirm. 

How to Resolve an Unknown Customer Alert [Video]

For information on how to resolve other types of alerts, visit Resolving Alerts