Importing Trading Partners in Bulk

Using the bulk import option when adding five or more accounts into Conexiom.

Within the Customers Tab, the import option can be used to add a batch of five or more customers to the portal at once, and is an alternative to adding customers individually. For more information on adding standalone customers, click here

Depending on your account setup, this tab may be named "Customers" or "Vendors". Functionality is the same. 

    1. Download the import file template here
    2. Populate the template with the requested information. Fields marked below with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you need assistance filling out the template, or you have fields in your portal that are not present in the template, please contact your Conexiom representative. 

      Field Name Information to Input
      Company Name*
      • Account name: should be unique to the customer/vendor and will show in the portal
      Customer Number*
      • Account number or identifier: must be unique to the customer/vendor
      • This is often the customer number as it appears in your ERP

      Address Fields

      (Street*, City*, State, Country*, Postal Code*)

      • Primary Billing or Shipping address
      • Country must be set and should not be abbreviated
        Note: If including a real state value, this must not be abbreviated
      • Any other mandatory fields can be set as N/A if the information is not available
        Note: Unless otherwise set by business rules, entering "N/A" under the conditions described above does not impact mapping nor the information sent to the ERP



      • Optional fields that allow you to sort the Customer List more effectively, separate reporting in the dashboard, or limit user access to trading partners if entered consistently

      SLS ID - Inside Sales Rep

      Business Rep ID*

      Implementor ID*

      • These are the three roles you can assign to this customer
      • For more information on the differences between these roles, click here
      • Set these values using the first initial and last name of the user in uppercase
      • Note: To assign someone to a role, they must first be set up as a contact under the Company Tab

      Implementer Name

      • Leave this value blank

      Buyer Fields

      (First Name, Last Name, Email, Identifier)

      • Optional fields to add Buyer information
      • If unknown at the time of import, these can be added at a later time
      • For more details on adding Buyers to Conexiom, click here
      Processed Document Notifications
      • The email addresses where successfully processed order notifications from Conexiom are sent

      • For multiple emails, separate each address with a semicolon (;)

      • Recipients do not need to have access to the portal

      • If unknown at the time of import, this can be added at a later time

      • Set as Email
      • Set as 1 if First Pass Mapping (FPM) is enabled
        • For more information on FPM, click here
      • Otherwise, set as 0
    3. Save the file as a .csv.
    4. Navigate to the Customers Tab from the left-hand sidebar. For more information on the Customers Tab, click here.
    5. In the top right corner of your screen, click Options, and select Import.
    6. Select Choose File or click and drag to attach the .csv file, then click Start.
    7. The dialogue box will update based on whether the customers were added successfully or the file failed.