Escalating Change Requests

Depending on the urgency and the impact of your request you can apply 1 of 2 flags when submitting a request via Text to an account in Production.

When submitting a change request via text for a production account, you encounter a menu that offers two escalation options. You can apply one or two flags, depending on the urgency and the impact of your request.

To escalate the urgency of a subsequent configuration request, follow these steps:

  1. From the Customer Tab, select the customer or vendor trading partner to open the Customer Details Page.

  2. Under the Production Documents sub-tab, check the checkbox that corresponds to the document.

  3. Click Options and from the menu that displays, select Request Change.

  4. Under the option Text Request Change, click Launch. A menu displays.
    Click Yes for the first option if you want the documents selected in Step 2 to be processed as soon as the change request is completed.image-20221201-163822

Click Yes for the second option if you want us to hold all documents from being processed until this configuration (map) request is complete. At that time, all of the documents being held are processed with the new configuration.
