Opening Configuration Studio

Configuration Studio is accessible from the Customer Details Page.

From the Customer Details page, you can open Configuration Studio in two different ways.
  1. Clicking the Configuration Studio button on the desired Trading Partner's page.
  2. Clicking the Options menu on that trading partner’s Customer Details Page.

You can then create implementation profiles for any trading partner that does not yet have a status of In Production.

Opening Configuration Studio from the Configuration Studio Button

To open Configuration Studio from the Configuration Studio button, follow these steps:

  1. From the Customer List, accessed from the Customer Tab on the left-side menu, select your desired trading partner to open the Customer Details Page. 
  2. In the header section of the Customer Details page, click Configuration Studio. The Configuration Studio application opens to its Documents page. From there you can upload documents or select documents that you previously imported.
  3. After you select the documents, click Configuration. The Configuration page displays for the next steps in the configuration process.

Opening Configuration Studio from the Options Menu

You can also open Configuration Studio by selecting documents first. Follow these steps:

  1. From the Customer List, accessed from the Customer Tab on the left-side menu, select your desired trading partner to open the Customer Details page. 
  2. From the Customer Details page, scroll down to the third section and click Test Documents. Document Listings display.
  3. Click Options and from the dropdown menu, click Configuration Studio. The Configuration Studio application opens to the Configuration page for the next steps in the process. 


Your first selection of documents display in color-coded sections. (See The Configuration Screen for next steps or The Documents Screen to work with the documents you previously selected).