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Moving a Trading Partner into Production

Use the following checklist to ensure you have completed all of the needed steps before moving a trading partner into production.

Moving a trading partner to production, whether a customer or vendor, is one of the final steps in implementation. (Configuring an email-forwarding strategy follows). 

  1. Move-to-Production Checklist
  2. Moving a Trading Partner into Production
  3. How to Move a Trading Partner into Production [Video]

Move-to-Production Checklist

The following conditions must be met before moving a customer into Production. All actions can be completed from the Customer Details page.

  • Confirm all Change Requests with configuration instructions have been completed.

  • Confirm that a Business Rep has been assigned to the account and that they are the correct team member to receive alert-email notifications for this trading partner.

  • Confirm that an Implementer has been assigned to the account.

  • Ensure the Processed Document Notifications Field contains the correct emails for those to be notified when documents process.

  • Confirm the Auto-Assign Key has been set and is not empty or under review.

  • Confirm that Buyers have been set up. There must be at least one entry.

  • The status of the customer or vendor cannot be New, Configuration Required or Information Required.

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Moving a Trading Partner into Production

When you are certain you have completed all of the conditions listed for implementation listed above, follow these steps to move the trading partner into production:

  1. In the Heading of the Customer Details page, click Move to Production.

  2. Delete the email addresses which are not internal to the client. For example, if you have added the client's trading partner email address in the buyer list, remove it from the auto-generated email.

  3. Edit the body of the email to provide more clarity or detail for the recipients, if needed.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Check your inbox for an auto-generated email that is sent out to everyone involved with this trading partner, including the Implementation contact list, the Buyer list, the Inside Sales representative, Business representative, the Implementer, and Customer Service.

How to Move a Trading Partner into Production [Video]