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Using & Modifying Field Definitions in Configuration Studio

Field Definitions are located on the right side panel and are used to describe characteristics of the captured data.

Editing the Physical Field Definition

Editing the physical definition of a field includes how its data is designated in terms of its type, such as whether it is a Document Label, a Ship To Address, or a Bill To Address, etc., its physical shape and size on the document, and the text it includes within it.

To see how to change how the field information is expressed, such as whether to remove hyphens from a phone number or add a comma between states and postal codes, see Editing How Field Information is Expressed.

Changing the Field’s Information to a Different Definition

A set of text on the document may be defined as the wrong field entirely. For example, the text in the header describing the address for the Ship To Address field may have been listed as the Bill To Address field.

To select a new field for the field information given, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the field in the right panel. (See Viewing Field Configuration Definitions).
  2. Click the Three Dots (ellipses) and from the menu that displays at the top of the panel, next to Selected Field. A menu displays.
  3. From the menu, click Change Field. The corresponding field definition displays as a red box on the document.
  4. Click Field Definition and from the drop-down menu, select the correct field.
  5. Under Field Info, define whether the new field’s location is relative or absolute. (See Making a Field Location Relative or Absolute).
  6. Consider whether to change the field’s data definition. (See Creating and Modifying Field Definitions).
  7. Consider whether to make the field Optional or not.
  8. Click Commit Change.
  9. If all your changes are complete, follow the standard procedure for saving changes. (See Saving and Validating Changes).

Deleting a Field’s Location and Definitions

The field’s location and data definition may need to be deleted for a number of reasons. For example, the field information may need to be defined in a different way and it is easier to completely recreate the field rather than to edit it.

To delete a field’s location and data definition, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the field in the right panel. (See Viewing Field Configuration Definitions).
  2. Click the Three Dots (ellipses) and from the menu that displays at the top of the panel, next to Delete Field. The field is deleted.
    Note: There is not an Undo function. If you delete a field’s location and data definition by mistake, you need to recreate it.
  3. Click Commit Change.
  4. If all your changes are complete, follow the standard procedure for saving changes. (See Saving and Validating Changes).

Changing A Physical Field’s Area

To change the physical definition of a field entirely, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the field in the right panel. (See Viewing Field Configuration Definitions).
  2. Click the Three Dots (ellipses) and from the menu that displays at the top of the panel, next to Selected Field. A menu displays.
  3. From the menu, click Edit Field Area. The corresponding field definition displays as a red box on the document.
  4. Click the sides of the box and drag them to include the text you want within the field. For example, if the Ship To address doesn’t include the postal code, click and drag the sides of the red box to surround the postal code along with the rest of the Ship To address.
  5. Consider whether to change the definition of the field’s location in terms of Relative or Absolute. (Making the Field Location Relative or Absolute).
  6. Consider whether to change the field’s data definition. (See Creating and Modifying Field Definitions).
  7. Consider whether to make the field optional. (See Making a Field Optional).
  8. Click Commit Change.
  9. If all your changes are complete, follow the standard procedure for saving changes. (See Saving and Validating Changes).


Changing How Field Information is Expressed

Editing how field information is expressed includes tasks like changing whether to remove hyphens from a phone number or adding a comma between states and postal codes.

To see how to change the physical definition of a field, including how its data is designated in terms of its type, (such as whether it is a Document Label or a Ship To Address), its physical shape and size on the document, or the text it includes within it see Editing the Physical Field Definition.

You may need only to make simple changes in how a field definition is expressed or you may need to split the components of a field into smaller segments in order to better refine the overall field definition.

Making Simple Changes to Field Definitions

Simple changes do not require you to split the field into smaller components. To make simple changes, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the field definition by doing one of the following:
    1. Click the arrow in the upper right corner of the correct tab in the right panel and from the menu, select the correct field. The field definition opens.
    2. Click the field on the document preview. The field definition opens.
      (Also see Viewing Field Configuration Definitions).
  2. To modify a field, select information from a drop-down menu, depending on the choices offered when you click on the field.
    1. Choose to make a field location Absolute or Relative. (See Making the Field Location Relative or Absolute).
    2. If you have designated the field location as Absolute, choose whether to Capture Wrapped Text. (See Capturing Wrapped Text).
    3. From the drop-down, choose a description for the Field.
    4. Choose to make the field optional. (See Making the Field Optional).
  3. Click Commit Change.
  4. If all your changes are complete, follow the standard procedure for saving changes. (See Saving and Validating Changes).