In the panels on the right side of your screen, you can fill in missing data with one of the following methods.
- Moving to the Right
- Copying and Pasting
- Manually Entering Data
- Searching for Address Data (Address Fields only)
The first and second options described below, “Move to the Right” and “Copying and Pasting” help Conexiom’s AI learn information about this customer for future use. Entering data manually, the third option, does not further develop the AI-learning process.
Moving to the Right
- Click the field on the left showing the data that should be shared with the field on the right. A menu displays.
- Click Move to right.
- Make selections from the successive menus that open. These menus allow you to navigate to the name of the field on the right that requires the data. When you select the name of that field from the menu, the data is transferred.

Copying and Pasting
- Click the field on the left showing the data that should be shared with the field on the right. A menu displays.
- From the menu, click Copy.
- In the field on the right side of your screen that is missing the data, right-click your mouse and from the menu that displays, select Paste (or use the keyboard shortcut Control + V) to place the data in the field.
Manually Entering Data
You can manually enter the data directly into the field on the right.
Entering data manually does not further develop the AI-learning process. The two options described above, “Moving to the Right” and “Copying and Pasting” do further develop the AI-learning process.
- Click on the field to locate your cursor within it.
- Manually enter the data in the field.
Searching for Address Data in the Address Search Field
When supplying Address data for Ship To or Bill To addresses, you can search the system.
- Open the Ship To or Bill To panel on the right. Near the top of the panel, the Search for an Address search field displays.
- Click the Search for an Address. The system searches the addresses in your Partner Portal.
- If it is available, from the listings of possible listing, select the correct address.