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Correcting Errors in Document Routing

Understand why a document was routed to the incorrect trading partner and how to resolve the issue.

Production documents are emailed into Conexiom through various ways such as manual forwarding, Inbox/Mail server rules, or RBOP setup. At times these documents can be routed incorrectly.

To troubleshoot and resolve any document routing issues, refer to the workflows below. These outline how document routing works and highlight key steps to ensure documents reach the correct trading partner.

To reassign the document to the correct trading partner, go to the Document Details page and select 'Reassign'. For more details, see this article

Workflow Step 1: Buyer

Within the portal under the trading partner, there is a list of Buyers at the bottom. The domains listed within the Buyer Identifier field are what Conexiom first checks to see if the sender is approved to forward in documents.

  • If the buyer identifier is unique to this trading partner and a match is found, the document will be assigned automatically. See more on Buyers here.

Workflow Step 2: Assign Key

For each trading partner, unique assign keys are set and reviewed prior to moving the trading partner into production. See more on Assign keys here

Note: If Rules-Based Order Processing (RBOP) enabled, be aware that assign keys are not used for assigning the account as buyers must be unique, so this step does will not apply.

Conexiom will check Assign Keys in the following order:

  • Email (e.g. From email, subject, body, etc.)
  • File (i.e. file name)
  • Document (i.e. text within the document)

Workflow Step 3: Document Details Review

  1. Manually assign the document to the correct trading partner.
  2. Process the document.
  3. Once processing is completed, navigate to the Document Details page. (See more on the Document Details page here).
  4. Look at the bottom of the Document History for "Event."
  5. You will see the following:
    1. Checking email data
    2. Checking file
    3. Document
      1. Document multiple matches found (don't recall the wording when there are too many matches)
      2. Document no matches found (this may not even show document at all, need to confirm)
      3. Document auto-assigned to

Note: If you see "No matching assign key found", this is normal as finding a match on either the email assign key or file would bypass the assign key in the portal, (if configured). If no match is found, Conexiom will check the next step in the process until it finds a match or has determined that no suitable matches are found.

If multiple matches are indicated, you will see the names of the trading partners where a match is found. To resolve, you may need to update the assign key for both trading partners.

  • Example: Company ABC purchases from Company XYZ but Company XYZ doesn't purchase from Company ABC, you can update Company XYZ's assign key with "Company XYZ" AND NOT "Company ABC".
  • When Conexiom receives a document containing matching keywords in the future, it will assign Company XYZ documents that don't contain "Company ABC". Likewise, if a document for Company ABC contains "Company XYZ" within the document, it will correctly assign to Company ABC as the assign key conditions would now find a single match.

Workflow Step 4: Assign Key Troubleshooting

The following are examples of how to troubleshoot and resolve assign key issues.

Note: Confirm assign key matches in the document

  1. Navigate to the Trading partner
  2. Look at the Assign key field to confirm keyword(s)
  3. Open the document forwarded to Conexiom and use CTRL + F to search for the same text within the document
    1. If your assign key has more than one keyword, you may see something like "Purchase Order" AND "Company Name"
    2. In this case, you would search both sets of keywords separately
    3. If you can't find the keyword(s) in the document, then check to see if this document should be processed by Conexiom
    4. If so, adjust your Assign key with an "OR" statement such as ("Purchase Order" AND "Company Name") OR ""

Tips: If a domain name appears on a document, it may make a good assign key. Avoid using common words or short abbreviations as assign keys because there is a good chance that you may run into overlap as you onboard more trading partners . 


The document has a match for my assign key but it didn't correctly assign

If an unknown customer / unknown vendor alert is generated, but the assign key text matches exactly, text on the document may match a keyword of another trading partner within the portal, or the document is not in clear text.

Example: Company 1 has an assign key of "Purchase Order" and "Company Name", but within the document, one of the line items descriptions contained the company name of another trading partner within your portal.

In this case, Company Name 2 uses its name as the assign key. As there was a match for more than one trading partner, Conexiom could not determine which one to use and flagged it as an unknown customer/vendor alert.

Assign key keywords match visually in the document but it still didn't assign

If you have multiple keywords within quotes, copy the text exactly as it appears. Next, try to search within the document for this same string of keywords, does it still find a match?

If your assign key has "Company Name 1" in the field, but in the document, this says "Company Name  1" where an extra space is seen between "Name" and "1", then this would fail as Conexiom is looking for an exact match.