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The Alerts Tab

The Alerts List displays all unresolved alerts. Each alert represents one or more actions that need to be taken before the document can be processed.

To access the Alerts Tab, click the Alerts Tab

When an alert is generated, an email is sent to the person listed as the Customer’s or Vendor’s Business Representative. At that point, the recipient can either click the link that is provided in the email or navigate to the alert on the Alerts Tab.

Columns in the Alerts list are defined in the first table following the image below. In the second table that follows, tools, actions and controls are identified by their corresponding numbers on the following image.

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Column Definitions

Following are definitions of the columns from left to right.

Column Definition
Check icon To select documents. Click check box in header of table to select all documents. See "Tools and Actions," below.
Type The type of alert that is present for that document.

Page Open icon

Opens that document. Click to expand the record into the default application. See Tools and Actions, below.
Customer Name The name of the customer or vendor. See "Tools and Actions," below.
Document Number The document ID number used by the system.
Document Type Indicates if the document is in the testing or production environment. 
Customer Number The customer ID or vendor ID number, referring to the customer or vendor.
Event Date Displays the time and date of when the alert was generated.
Received On Displays the date and the time of when the document was received by Conexiom.
Email From Shows the email address from which the document was sent.
Assignee Shows the team member who is currently responsible for the alert. Click the Assignee dropdown to assign the task to an existing user in the portal.
Note: This action does not notify the selected user. It displays the assignment in the alerts list. With this feature, you can filter the list by the assigned user.

Tools, Actions, and Controls

Action Definition


Click check boxes to select one or more alerts and make changes. To select all alerts, check the box in the heading. Click Do Not Process to remove those documents from the Process Queue. Click Global Edit to reassign alerts or clear all assignees.
2 Sort alerts by column name by clicking the title in the header. Click the Arrow icon next to the column name to change the order of listings from descending to ascending and back.
3 To open an alert from the Alerts List, click the Open Page icon for that alert.
5 Click the blue, underlined Customer or Vendor hyperlink to open the company’s Customer Details page or Vendor Details page. (For more information on the Customer Details Page, click here).


Double-click individual column listings, such as a Customer Number, to activate that information for copying. Right-click and select Copy from the menu that displays.

Note: If the Copy option does not display on the menu, select Copy from the Edit menu in the browser-window’s heading menu.



Enter a customer name or number or a vendor name or number in the Search field and the search-results list identifies choices that correspond to what you entered.

Expand the number of rows shown on your screen or go to a specific page by clicking one of the Left- Right Arrows or by entering a page number.



Click the Filter Search icon  to define your search criteria as a custom filter, allowing you to move between screens without needing to reapply criteria. To define a filter, follow these steps:

  1. Click one or more drop-down menus.

  2. Select the filter attributes that will narrow down your list most efficiently.

  3. Click Apply Filters. As long as you are logged in, filters that you apply but don’t save remain until you clear them.

  4. In subsequent beta releases, after defining a filter, click Save & Apply so that you don't have to reapply filter settings each time. You can save multiple custom filters and select them later from the filter list. (See Bullet 8, directly below).

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8 Click the Saved Filters  icon to retrieve custom filters you saved previously (see above).


Click the hamburger icon  to display the Density menu. You can then set how compact the rows are listed in the data table. Select one of the following:

  • Comfortable, which displays the rows spread out from each other. This provides the least compact display but is likely the easiest to read.

  • Standard, which is the default display. It is a balance between the two other display settings.

  • Compact, which displays the listings close together. It is the most efficient in its use of space but may be more difficult to read.

10 Click the Download icon,  to download the Document List without needing to run a report.


Click Rows to select to display the drop-down menu and select the number of rows to be shown on your screen.
twelve Go forward or backward through pages by clicking the Left Arrow  or Right Arrow.  Or, by entering a page number, go to that specific page.
Not in Image Using your mouse, scroll vertically or horizontally through all the listings on a page. To help you navigate, the header and footer remain static while you scroll, giving you the ability to continue to read the column and row headings. (The horizontal and vertical scroll bars, not shown in the image above, will display on your screen’s right or bottom after you begin scrolling).


If the alert was generated for a document you do not intend to process, select the document(s) and use the Do Not Process button to clear the alert(s) off the list.

Use the Global Edit button to trigger global editing. This allows you to update information for multiple trading partners at once. 

To activate, you will need to select two or more trading partners from the list using the selection box on the far left hand side.