Template and Examples for Submitting Change Requests

Informal guide for formatting the submission of change requests to the Conexiom Connection Development Team.

Change Request Template and Examples

The following template and examples are to help you understand more completely what information is needed when submitting change requests within your Partner Portal.

What to Include

What should be included in the change request

  • What action is being asked of the Connection Development team?
  • Will my change affect all documents or is it conditional?
    • If conditional, what triggers it to happen? what should happen if the condition is not met?
  • Example of how the field(s) impacted by this change are currently are sent to your ERP and how you would expect them to be sent after the change.
If your change is removing "-" characters from the Buyer part number, you may say: Currently, document# 12345 has a buyer part number of abc-xyz, after this change, the part number would become "abcxyz"


In the first line of the request, type the purpose statement of the request

  • Examples of common requests:

Body of the request

Depending on if you have multiple requests or a single request, start with the context of the request, think "what exactly needs to be done?"


IF, THEN, ELSE statements (see "Guidelines and Best Practices for Submitting a Change Request" article)
When submitting a request, try to think of different scenarios of what may need to happen if information is missing. This will avoid failure notifications.
  • Example of IF, THEN, ELSE statements:
Map _____ from _______ location
If not available, then:
    • Map from ______ instead
    • Fail the document
    • Default to _______ instead
    • Else, if still not available, then fail the document

Example A

(Subject) Please update mapping for the buyer part number
(Body of request) Currently, we are only mapping the Buyer part number from the "Item Number" column. Please update logic with the following logic: 
(Start of IF, THEN, ELSE statements) If value is present in the "Item Number" column, then map as the buyer part number.
Else, if no value is present, then look under the "Description" column and map the first string of characters (up to the first space) as the buyer part number. (e.g. Doc# 123512 line item 1 would have a part number of ABC123)

Example B

(Subject) Please update the mapping with the following 2 requests.
(Body of request) Request 1: Ship date
Please update the ship date to be mapped to the right of "Due Date"
(IF, THEN,ELSE statements) If no date is found, then please default to 7 days from the document date
Request 2: BillToID
Please set the BillToID to "45213" for all documents
Note: The above request will hard code so that ALL documents have a BillToID of "45213" which will override any other logic that may set the BillToID.

Example C

Please review the selected documents (requires selecting the documents and choosing the Text Request option) and advise why the document failed on due date. 
In document # 234123, we can see Due Date appears next to the "Due Date" Header with the date of "06/24/2024"


Attachments can only be added to an email request. (See "Submitting a Change Request via Email).
Attachments can be included as visual aids to provide clarity to the Conexiom Development team. They can be used indicate where to look, or where changes may occur visually on the document.
Types of attachments commonly included in requests:
  • Screenshots
  • Annotated documents
  • Document samples

If an attachment is included, reference it in your request with wording such as "Please see the attached screenshot for where this information can be found on the document."