SAP Business One Validations for Accounts Payable (AP)

SAP Business One AP validations and delivery. Includes standard, custom, and cross-reference validations.

AP Validations

SAP Business One AP Validations 

Company ID

External Part Number 

(External SKU)

Internal Unit or Measure 

Unit Price

Order Quantity 

User Defined 


Validations specific to SAP Business One Accounts Payable (AP).

companyID (document.externalSupplierCross Reference )

externalSKU (document.lineItems[].externalSKU)

internalUOM (document.lineItems[].internalUOM)

unitPrice (document.lineItems[].unitPrice)

orderQuantity (document.lineItems[].deliveryScheduled.orderQuantity)

userDefineds (document.lineItems[].userDefineds[])


Customer ID

The numeric identification of that customer or vendor.

Using a cross-reference table, the system matches the ERP to determine if the document's customer ID is valid.

Direct Ship (Drop Ship)

The system retrieves the PO Type from the ERP to display it in Exception Manager.

Due Date

Date that product or service is due or requested delivery date.

The system evaluates whether the date is mapped and that the date lies in the future.

Payment Terms 

The terms by which the payment will be made. For example, “Net 30.”

The system matches the document's payment terms with the ERP’s.

Ship To

Address to which the product will be delivered.

The system matches the document’s ship-to address information to the ERP’s, simply or by first retrieving the ship-to ID.

Possible ERP Fields used: Company Name, City, Street, Postal Code, Country, Ship To ID.

Shipment Method Validation (Ship Via)

Carrier information

Ship Via is validated against all valid Ship Via codes and descriptions in the ERP.

Line Items       

Extended Part Number Validation

Validate the part numbers extracted off an AP invoice against the part numbers found on the matching Purchase Order.

Get Line-Item Data

The system retrieves line-item information for subsequent validations that includes both document values and ERP values for comparison. 

Line Count

Validate unique lines against ERP’s lines.

Order Quantity

The system matches the document’s part number and order quantity with the ERP’s.

Part Number

From internal and external Stock Keeping Units (SKUs).

The system compares document’s part numbers to the ERP’s part-numbers. 

PO Line Number 

Checks for PO line number.

When successful, the system displays the PO line number in Exception Manager. It will be the PO line to run any line validations against.

Product Availability

(Item Availability)

Whether the product is in inventory.

The system matches the item’s part number to the ERP’s part number. It then matches its quantity against a previous record of availability in part-number inventory.

Unit of Measure (UOM)

The system matches the document’s part number to the ERP’s part number. It then matches the document’s UOM to the ERP’s UOM.

Unit Price 

The price of an individual unit as described by the UOM.

The system compares the document's unit price to the ERP unit price for a given tolerance level.


Freight Tolerance

Freight carrier and associated information. (Example: FedEx or UPS; Air or Five-day ground; weight and quantity).

Evaluates documents for whether freight information is available and quantities accurate within the given tolerance.


Availability of information: tax appropriate for sale.

Evaluates documents for whether federal or state tax information is available.


The sum of prices listed as line-items, less applied discounts.         

Evaluates whether the mapped total matches the calculated total within a set tolerance.