Removing a Trading Partner from the Customer List
You can only remove accounts that are not in production. If a Production account needs to be removed, submit a Change Request for their removal.
Follow the below instructions to remove a trading partner (customer or vendor) from the Customers Page:
Before you delete a customer, modify the customer number under the Customer Details page. To do this, add extra characters such as “zz” or “00 to the end of the existing number.” For example, modify the customer number “123456” to “123456zz.”
- In the customer list, to the left of the rows that you want to remove, check the checkboxes. You can select one or multiple rows. The Trashcan icon displays in the upper right corner of the screen directly below the Options button.
Click the Trashcan icon and confirm your choice. The program removes the rows you checked.
The accounts information will be retained temporarily, but not be visible. If it needs to be reinstated please Contact Support.