Microsoft Business Central Sales Order Automation (SOA)
Microsoft Business Central SOA validations and delivery. Includes standard, custom, and cross-reference validations.
Microsoft Business Central SOA Validations
Validations specific to Microsoft Business Central sales order automation (SOA).
Customer ID (Vendor ID) |
The numeric identification of that customer or vendor. The system matches the Customer ID or Vendor ID with the ERP’s record. |
Document Number |
PO Number or other specified document number. The system retrieves the PO Number as document ID. |
Mandatory Value |
A required value specified by the customer. The system checks for one or more given fields that are designated as mandatory. |
Ship To |
Address to which the product will be delivered. The system matches the document’s ship-to address information to the ERP’s, simply or by first retrieving the ship-to ID. Possible ERP Fields used: Company Name, City, Street, Postal Code, Country, Ship To Id |
Shipment Method Validation (Ship Via) |
Carrier information Ship Via is validated against all valid Ship Via codes and descriptions in the ERP. |
Line Item
Line Count |
Validate unique lines against ERP’s lines. |
Extended Part Number Validation |
Validate the part numbers extracted off an AP invoice against the part numbers found on the matching Purchase Order. |
Order Quantity |
The system matches the document’s part number and order quantity with the ERP’s. |
Part Number |
From internal and external Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). The system compares document’s part numbers to the ERP’s part-numbers. |
PO Line Number |
Checks for PO line number. When successful, the system displays the PO line number in Exception Manager. It will be the PO line to run any line validations against. |
Product Availability (Item Availability) |
Whether the product is in inventory. The system matches the item’s part number to the ERP’s part number. It then matches its quantity against a previous record of availability in part-number inventory. |
Search Items |
The system retrieves the Dyn-Business Central line-item information for subsequent validations. Will return a list of line items that includes both document values and ERP values that subsequent processes can consume. |
Unit of Measure (UOM) |
The system matches the document’s part number to the ERP’s part number. It then matches the document’s UOM to the ERP’s UOM. |
Unit Price |
The price of an individual unit as described by the UOM. The system compares the document's unit price to the ERP unit price for a given tolerance level. |
Freight Tolerance |
Freight carrier and associated information. (Example: FedEx or UPS; Air or Five-day ground; weight and quantity). Evaluates documents for whether freight information is available and quantities accurate within the given tolerance. |
Tax |
Availability of information: tax appropriate for sale. Evaluates documents for whether federal or state tax information is available. |
Total |
The sum of prices listed as line-items, less applied discounts. Evaluates whether the mapped total matches the calculated total within a set tolerance. |