Common Fields and their Definitions in Configuration Studio

Lists of common fields that are used for document headers and item lists, including definitions and important notes.

In Configuration Studio, you can define a document's fields in your smart template by accessing the dropdown in the right panel.

The table below lists the most common fields used for business documents. Refer below for information on the typical use of the fields and additional details.

During the initial run of the configuration process, certain fields are typically identified by Conexiom's AI. For a complete list, see Fields Predicted by AI in Express.


Document Fields (values found in the header or footer of the document)

Field Name

Usually Used For

Other Important Notes


The type of money used in the transaction. (e.g., USD, EUR)


Customer Number

The unique identifier assigned to a customer.


Bill To

The address where the invoice is sent.

You will find many options under this same field. 

You can:

  • (if applicable) Use the 'ShipToEx' or 'BillToEx' fields recognized by the initial AI run, which attempts to splits them into individual address components.
  • Use the “Postal Address” or “Company Name + Postal Address” options, depending on the information you need, and capture all lines of the address. The AI will attempt to split them accordingly.
  • Or manually break down the address into its individual components. (e.g., street, city, zip code)

Ship To

The address where ordered products are delivered.


The company/ supplier providing the goods or services.


Delivery Terms

Any conditions under which the ordered products are delivered. (e.g., FOB, CIF)


Document Date

The date the document was issued.


Document Number

The unique identifier assigned to the document.


PO Number

Purchase Order number, a unique identifier for the order.

This field is only used for non-purchase order documents when referenced on the document. Such as on an Invoice or Order Acknowledgement.

Due Date

The date by which delivery is expected.

Please ensure that when selecting this field, it is used for the document section. This may be confused with the other due date field available in the line section.


Any discount applied to the total amount due.

Please ensure that when selecting this field, it is used for the document section. This may be confused with the other discount fields available in the line section.


The cost of shipping the products.



Additional information or comments


Payment Terms

Conditions specifying how and when payment should be made. (e.g., Net 30 days)


Ship Via

The method of shipping. (e.g., Ground Shipping, Air Express)



The total amount before taxes and additional charges.



The final amount after all additions and deductions.



When the AI tool runs, it sets this field to a value because it has been mapped as a possible field but isn't tied to any specific field. This field will not be included in the output file.

If it's not needed, you can leave it as is. Do not delete the field.  

If it is needed, assign it to the correct field.  


Line-Item Fields

Field Name

Usually Used For

Other Important Notes

Buyer Part Number

The unique identifier assigned by the buyer to a specific product.


Supplier Part Number

The unique identifier assigned by the supplier to a specific product.


Buyer UOM

The standard unit of measure used by the buyer for the quantity of products.


Ordered Quantity

The number of products ordered.


Shipped Quantity

The number of products shipped by the supplier.

This is typically used for Invoice and Order Acknowledgement documents.


A brief description or name of the product.



Any discount applied to the line item.


Due Date

The date by which delivery of the line item is required.


Extended Cost

The total cost of the products for the line item (unit price multiplied by quantity).


Line Notes

Any additional notes or comments related to the specific line item.


Line Number

The unique identifier for each line item in the document. These are usually consecutive numbers.


Unit Price

The price per unit of the product.



When the AI tool runs, it sets this field to a value because it has been mapped as a possible field but isn't tied to any specific field. This field will not be included in the output file.

If it's not needed, you can leave it as is. Do not delete the field.  

If it is needed, assign it to the correct field. 


Master Line fields

Used in situations where an item includes additional items as a bundle. Master line indicates the starting line for line items handled this way.