Leveraging First Pass Mapping

How to submit First Pass Mapping instructions for new Trading Partners.

What is First Pass Mapping?

First-pass mapping refers to a set of instructions that are used by the Conexiom Connection Development team to direct tasks. These instructions are  typically configured and reviewed when you have at least five trading partners in production.

The first-pass mapping instructions concern the fields typically used by most trading partners within your portal, as well as any additional requirements, and will be added to your portal in the backend.

Note: If you are unsure if you have first-pass mapping enabled, contact Support for confirmation.

Submitting First Pass Mapping instructions

  1. Add the trading partner to the portal. (See Adding a new Trading Partner.)
    If you are looking to add more than one Trading Partner, see below for more information on the batch-import process.
  2. Open a change request using the email option. See Submitting a Change Request via Email.
  3. Include "Please apply first pass mapping" in the body of the email request.
  4. Attach sample documents if not already added to the portal.
    If there are any additional requirements for this trading partner, please note in the body of your request, or attach an annotated document or screenshot.
  5. Send in the email request.

Warning: The first-pass mapping process requires that the trading partner is in the status of "New," which means that there have been no mapping instructions previously submitted for it.

Batch File Instructions

If you are adding multiple trading partners to the partner portal, one method is the batch import process. Through this process, you fill in the batch-file template so that each row is a new trading partner.

Once you send this file back to your Conexiom Rep. or the Support Team, we can create the customers in the portal by importing them as a batch.

By following the directions in the emails and sending in samples, First Pass Mapping is triggered, and the Connection Development team is provided with a set list of instructions for initial mapping.

See the table below for each field's information and how it will appear in the partner portal.

Field Name

Usually Used For

Other Important Notes

Customer Name

Will create the trading partner with this name in the portal.


Customer Number

The unique identifier assigned to a trading partner.


Address fields (Street, City, State, Zip Code, Country)

The primary address of the trading partner.



Populates the Business field on the Trading Partner's Details screen.



Populates the Division field on the trading-partner's Details screen.



Enables/disables auto delivery of test documents. Requires setting to be enabled for the trading partner.

1 = Enabled

0 = Disabled


Sales Rep name.

Add the username to the cell within the batch file. The username format is typically First initial of first name, followed by last name (e.g.  if First name was "Example", and last name was "User", the username would be "EUSER"

Allows access to the Trading Partner for restricted users. No notifications will be sent to this user. 


Business Rep ID

Business Rep name. Primary recipient of notifications for document failures.

Implementer ID

Implementer Rep. receives notifications for any assign-key changes.

Implementer Name

First and Last name of the user onboarding this trading partner (e.g. "Example User")


Buyer First name

First name of the contact of whom will be sending in documents via email for this trading-partner.


Buyer Last name

Last name of the contact who will send in documents via Email for this trading partner.


Buyer email

Email address of the contact who will be sending in documents via email for this trading partner.


Buyer Identifier

Email domain that the email will originate from. (e.g. if the email comes from invoicing@abc.com, the domain would be "@abc.com")

Any contact at this domain will be permitted to submit documents via Email to the partner portal.

Customer Service PO Notifications

Email(s) that will be notified when a document has been successfully processed by Conexiom.

Separate additional email addresses with a semi-colon (;).


This will always be "Email"



This will always be "1" to receive notifications when the account is ready for test documents and mapping instructions.

