Creating an Annotated Document
An annotated document can be used to help the Connection Development team understand the fields on your document.
Applies to: Any portal user creating test documents for Connection Development
To annotate a document, follow these steps, paying special attention to the guidelines and the examples that follow.
Do one of the following:
On a PDF copy of one of the sample documents you are submitting, use the Highlight tool to mark a key field. For example, highlight the PO Number field.
If using a different file type, (such as EDI, Excel, or HTML), copy a screenshot of that document into a Microsoft Word document and then annotate that document instead.
Note: For instructions on Adobe Reader, Microsoft Word, or any other program, see the instructions from the companies that produce them.
With the Comment tool, comment on the Highlighted area you defined in Step 1. For example, write the comment, “PO#.” (See Example 1, Correct Annotation, directly below).
With the Note tool enter a comment that refers to a larger context if one is necessary.
In the body of the email to which you attach the annotated document, describe transformation or logic information such as with If, Then, Else statements.
Note: Do not annotate the document with transformation or logic information such as with If, Then, Else statements. -
Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 above with each of the key fields in the document. Pay special attention to the following notes on correct annotation. Also see “Important Notes on Correct and Incorrect Annotation,” directly below and “Examples of Correct and Incorrect Annotation“ below that.
Important Guidelines on Correct and Incorrect Annotation
Use an email configuration request and attach the annotated document to it.
When you save the annotated document, ensure the file is named with the word “Annotated” somewhere within the file name.
Unless you have First Pass Mapping already set up, include text descriptions of the annotations in a summary within the body of the email request. However, the annotated document should be treated as an outline for the field locations only:that is, for the mapping. You can then reference those fields in your main request without having to outline the location in detail.
Annotate a PDF document using the Highlighting and Comments tools:
Comments can be used to define what a highlighted value represents.
Use the comment feature instead of adding additional text on the document (see examples below) Adding text to the document can be confusing.
Unless First Pass Mapping is in place, put any of the transformations and logic notes, (the If, Then Else expressions and their examples), in the body of the email request. Do not put them in the document’s annotations, such as in a note or comment.
If you need to submit an annotated document as a subsequent request, do not reuse the original document. Instead, highlight the changes and submit those alone. (If you submit a document with all of the configurations, both old and new, the CD team member may not be able to easily distinguish what has changed).