Field for Description Details in Text-Change Request Does Not Display

When submitting a change request via text, the description field for details doesn't display.

Get the screen to display the text box correctly. In the screenshot below the text box does not display.


Applies To

Portal text map requests.


    This issue can come about if you have never entered a map request. It is related to cache and cookies stored at the browser level. Once you see the field, you should be able to exit out of your current request and see the field in your subsequent requests. Some possible troubleshooting steps to get the box to show up include:

    • Click the drop-down menu. As opposed to your original request, select a different option and then choose the original selection again.
    • Launch a Text Request without selecting any documents.
    • Log out of Conexiom and clear your cache, make sure to restart your browser.
      Note: See your browser's instructions to clear your history and memory cache.

    If at any point you see the button Show Initial Questions at the top right of the Detail area, click it.  The button then displays Hide Initial Questions. Click it again to  to see the box again.


    If none of these steps solve the issue, contact support.