Express Document Approval and Audit Trail

The Approval Summary Dialog Box and the Audit Trail in Customer Details, History

Express Document Approval and Audit Trail

In Express, when you take a document through the approval process, upon completion of all of the related tasks, a dialog box displays  congratulatory remarks and statistics such as the Document Processing Time and the number of fields that were extracted.

4 Approval Summary Popup 2d

Express, Approval-Summary Congratulatory Dialog Box Example

The Approval Summary, which you can be thought of as an audit trail,  displays a history of all changes made during a session, prior to document approval. After the document is processed, this audit trail can access it through the Document History section of the Document Details page in Conexiom Premier. You can also download the summary.

160 c View ApprovedChanges

Approval-Summary Example in Document History of Document Details Page