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  2. The Conexiom Platform

The Exception Manager Application

Exception Manager provides a way to correct and validate document exceptions that occur during processing.

If you have Exception Manager enabled, when you open a Document Validator Alert, the application that opens is Exception Manager in its MyEditor interface. 

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Using Exception Manager’s MyEditor Interface

To open a Document Validator alert in Exception Manager from the main Alerts tab, click on the Open Document  icon within the alert listing. If you open the alert from the Alerts Details page, click anywhere on the listing except for the blue underlined company link.

When Exception Manager opens, the original document displays in the left panel. The data that was extracted from the document displays in the right panel. Any of the fields that don’t match the original data are highlighted in red and are the source of the alerts you received.

To complete the document for processing, review the data sets, correcting the fields with alerts and then approve the final document for processing.

Use the links below for more information on using Exception Manager: