The Dashboard allows you to access metrics related to your Conexiom account in real time via curated graphs and widgets.
The Dashboard Tab can act as the landing page, depending on your User Role and portal configurations.
From the Dashboard drop-down menu in the upper left of your screen, you can select the dashboard you want to view. As you add dashboards with different configurations and widgets, they are added as listings on this menu.
Graphs, Widgets, and Panels
Much of the Dashboard page is comprised of statistical graphs. These are created by small, focused applications called widgets that gather and display data according to set criteria. The widgets display in rectangular panels.
You can drag and drop the different panels to customize the Dashboard, as well as add new and modify existing widgets from this tab.
A number of controls on the screen provide menus or other controls to enable this customization. They include the following:
Dashboard Selection Menu
Add Widgets Button
Options Button
Each of the customization processes are linked below.