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Document Retrieval APIs

Details on Conexiom's REST APIs for retrieving documents

Once Conexiom has completed its validations and transformations, you can retrieve sales order data that is ready for delivery to your ERP. You can retrieve production documents from Conexiom using REST API endpoints.  


If you would like Conexiom to generate documents for your retrieval and delivery to your ERP, contact your Conexiom representative to request access to these endpoints. You will be granted an access token, which must be provided for authentication in the REST API calls. 


Endpoint #1: Retrieve a List of Documents 
Purpose: This API endpoint is used to retrieve a list of production documents associated with a specific Portal ID, sorted and filtered according to specified parameters. 

Endpoint #2: Retrieve a List of Files for a Document  
Purpose: This API endpoint retrieves a list of files associated with a specific Portal ID, Trading Partner ID, and Document ID. 

Endpoint #3: Retrieve a File Attachment for a Document 
Purpose: This API endpoint retrieves a file attachment associated with a specific Portal ID, Trading Partner ID, and Document ID.