Setting Up Autopilot and AI Confidence Levels in Express
In Express, setting up the confidence-level threshold for mandatory fields and the type of Autopilot: Standard, Hybrid, or Copilot.
Autopilot is a powerful feature within Express that streamlines document processing by automating the approval process while maintaining data integrity. This feature allows you to configure your level of automation, balancing efficiency with control.
Express Settings
Default Setup
All fields are configured as mandatory
Document automation level is set to ‘Copilot'
Mandatory field threshold is set to 90%
Non-Mandatory field threshold is set to 60%
AI Confidence Level Threshold for Mandatory and Non-Mandatory fields
AI thresholds are like safety nets for data. They're set to ensure that the AI extracts data accurately enough for a customer’s business needs. Here’s how they work:
Customer sets their expectations by deciding on how confident they want the AI to be when it extracts data from their documents.
AI checks the data by comparing it to its algorithm.
If a field’s confidence score is below the defined threshold the system flags relevant fields with warnings or errors, encouraging the customer to double-check their data.
AI thresholds can be disabled by setting them to 0%.
Document Automation
Setting the document automation level determines what system validations and warnings are applied, preventing the processing of documents with critical errors.
AI Thresholds: Customers can set AI accuracy thresholds for mandatory and non-mandatory fields, ensuring that only documents meeting these criteria are automatically approved.
Field Data Recommendations: For ‘Autopilot,’ field data recommendations (e.g., validations, XREF lookup data) are automatically applied.
Alerting: Documents that do not meet the configured automation criteria are flagged with an alert, prompting manual review.
There are three levels of document automation available:
Autopilot: Documents are automatically approved, regardless of whether they contain validation errors, warnings, or AI threshold concerns. Data corrections are applied by the customer after the document data is delivered into their ERP system.
Hybrid Autopilot: Documents are only auto-approved if they meet predefined AI accuracy thresholds, and contain no validation errors.
- Copilot (default): Recommended for customers who always want to be kept in the loop. Each document will require manual review and approval.
- Select the checkbox to have the system automatically 'check and apply' data each time you open a document in Express.
When AI thresholds are disabled, documents are only flagged if/when they contain validation errors.