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The Addresses Page

This page is an Address Table that hosts the addresses for all your trading partners setup in Conexiom.

Click View Address Table on the left side of the second section of the Customer Details page to see the address table for all your Conexiom trading partners. It is comprised of a number of filterable columns, including Address Type, Company Name, and Location ID. 

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The address table is linked to Ship-to, Bill-to, or Remit-to Alerts and is a way for Conexiom to look up IDs that correspond to different companies. You can insert, update, or delete address entries by entering addresses individually or importing address files.

As opposed to this table, your portal may have been configured to use either custom tables or an API to look up IDs. For questions, Contact Support

Adding Addresses Individually

To add a new address individually, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add icon (+) in the upper-right corner of the Address Table Screen.

  2. In each of the fields under each column, enter the appropriate information or select it from the appropriate drop-down menu.

All fields that you fill in must be an exact match with how they appear on the document. If incoming documents have the address in two different versions, for example some with St. and some with Street, you will need to add two row for the same Location ID.

Adding Addresses in Bulk

To add new addresses in bulk, follow these steps:

Recommended Preliminary Step: The import file must have an exact match to the expected column names and be in the correct format. To ensure compatibility, you may, as a preliminary step, download the current page and then copy your data into the downloaded file and save it. Since the new file will have the proper format and column names, you can then upload it, confident of its compatibility. 

Downloading a Current Address File to Modify for Import

To download the current file, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Export icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Addresses screen and click Download All Data. The output is downloaded to your Downloads folder as a CSV file.

  2. Locate the output file in your downloads folder and open it with an appropriate spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.

  3. Enter or import the address data into the output file that you opened and save it under a new name.
    Relative to the data you want to import, there may appear to be extra columns in the output file. If so, do not fill them or change their data inappropriately. That is, if you are adding new rows, leave extra columns blank. If you are updating current rows, do not modify existing information unnecessarily.

  4. To import the output file you modified, follow the steps under Importing Address Files, directly below.

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Importing Address Files

  1. Select Import and from the dialog that displays, click Choose File in order to browse for files.

  2. Navigate to the correct CSV or TXT file on your computer’s file system and select it.

  3. Click Start.