Adding and Deleting Rows in Exception Manager

Adding Rows

If the machine learning missed picking up a listing or a listing needs to be added to account for additional items such as freight, then use the Up Arrow or the Down Arrow on the far right-hand side of a line to create a new line.

By clicking on these icons, a new blank line item will be added above or below the selected line.

Multi Copy will not work on lines that were manually added. 

Deleting Rows

You can delete one or more rows at a time. To delete a single row, follow these steps:

  1. On the right side of screen, click the Three Dots icon. A menu displays.

  2. From the menu that displays, click the Trashcan icon. That single row is deleted.

To delete more than one row from a data table, follow these steps:

  1. On the left side of your screen, check the boxes corresponding to the rows you want to delete. To delete all of the listings, check the box in the header.

  2. At the top right of your screen, click the Trashcan icon. The listings are deleted.