Before you can start configuring a new trading partner you must add the account.
Click here to be directed to the video tutorial at the bottom of the page.
- Navigate to the Customers (or Vendors) tab from the left-hand side bar.
- In the top right corner of your screen, click Add Customer. The Add Customer dialog displays.
- Populate fields with the requested information. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Field Name Information to Input Company Name Account name - should be unique to the customer / vendor. Customer / Vendor Number Account number or identifier - must be unique to the customer/vendor. This is often the customer number as it appears in your ERP.
Address Fields
(Street, City, Province/State, Country, Postal Code)
Billing or Shipping address.
Click on Country to select the country from the drop-down menu. Some countries will convert the Province/State field into a dropdown menu. If other required address information is not available, these fields can be filled with N/A.
Fill in the other fields.
Entering "N/A" under conditions described above does not impact mapping nor the information sent to the ERP
Optional fields that will allow you to sort the Customer List more effectively, separate reporting in the dashboard or limit user access to trading partners if entered consistently. Inside Sales
Business Representative
These are the three roles you can assign for this customer. (To assign someone to a role, they must have access to the portal and be set up as a contact under the Company tab). The difference between the roles is the type of notifications they receive. See Email Notifications.
To assign someone to a role, they must first be set up as a contact under the Company Tab. See The Company Tab.
Currency Select a currency, such as US Dollar ($) - USD. This setting relates to reports available in the dashboard; it does not affect values sent to the ERP. Time Zone Select the time zone, such as (UTC-6:00) Central Time (US & Canada). This setting relates to reports available in the dashboard; it does not affect values sent to the ERP.
Client Type Select Email. (No other option is available at this time). Processed Document Notifications -
The email addresses where successfully processed order notifications from Conexiom are sent.
For multiple emails, separate each address with a semicolon.
Recipients do not need to have access to the portal.
Not mandatory at time of Customer creation but is mandatory at time of moving to production.
Suggested Assign Key For complete instructions on defining assign keys, see Creating Assign Keys.
- Click 'Save'.
If you are using First Pass Mapping or have a customer (or vendor) list to add that exceeds 5 new customers or vendors, please first speak with your Conexiom Representative.
How to Add a New Trading Partner [Video]
- Click to download the Quick Reference Guide on how to add a trading partner [Part 1]
- Click to download the Quick Reference Guide on how to add a trading partner [Part 2]